Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Testing 1,2,3

Here's some pictures of my lactic testing at Dr. Dag VanElslande's office today (Pictured is his assistant). The first test begins at 100 watts and increases by 50 watts every 3 minutes. Blood is drawn from my ear to track my lactic levels. The second test is a 3 minute all out effort. Oh, the pain. If you can't tell, the pictures are in chronological order!

Starting out, nice and easy

First blood

Starting to sweat

Getting red in the face and stabbed once again


Getting into the pain zone

The start of the second test... all out sprint

"Settling" into my highest sustainable wattage for 3 minutes

Just after the test... about to pass out


Ready to go again!...?

Pictures courtesy of Fraser Young


Little Bits of Everything said...

Is Dr. Dag's place called the pain house or what?

Anonymous said...

so what kind of numbers did you put out?

Vince Roberge said...

Big #s...very big...so big they won't fit on this page.