Thursday, November 15, 2007

What I do

My time during the winter is spent building my sword. Sometime I spend 5 or 6 hours a day building it. The edge and point are not that sharp right now but I don't care about that. It's only November. I want to get my sword really strong and big. Then, at the end of January or maybe the begining of February I'll start sharpening it. The sword building is going great. Sometimes I feel like I want to start sharpening it but I hold back and keep building. After I'm done building for the day, I put it in it's scabbard to rest. It's already pretty big and by May/ June/ July it's going to be one seriously leathal weapon. Image from Wikipedia

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Oh so true

"The early days in Belgium must have been lonely, but he did not let that get to him. He was there to learn a trade. He trained and rode hard; went to bed early; spoke on the phone to his girlfriend (later to be his wife) back home. He was in Belgium to do one thing: to become a professional bike rider, and nothing else must be allowed to intrude. It's an attidue, a monkish approach, which doesn't sit well with many young riders contemplating the demands of the sport nowadays."

-Author Graeme Fife refering to Sean Kelly in his book Inside The Peloton.

fall training in Michigan isn't so bad

It's just the winter I don't like.